
Association Mauritanienne pour l'Environnement, l'Education et l'Action Sociale

Projet 13


The “PRUGEDD-Nouakchott” project aims to strengthen the household waste management system and strategy in the commune of Sebkha. Through an integral and comprehensive approach to domestic waste management, the project is committed to establishing a solid tripartite collaboration framework, bringing together the SMTD ( Municipal Waste Treatment Service), local town councils and the population to provide an effective response to this major challenge.

The project aims to set up a local tax voluntarily agreed by the population of the Household Bag Collection Zones (ZCSM) in collaboration with the Sebkha town council. This tax will be used to finance the activities of the Collection and Citizen Awareness Centers (CCSC) and strengthen cooperation with the Mauritanian Waste Treatment Company (SMTD), in order to improve the management autonomy of the ZCSM and develop selective sorting and waste recovery activities in collaboration with young people.

Project budget (€)