
Association ADO+

Association ADO+

Ado+ est la première plateforme en Tunisie dédiée aux adolescent.e.s. Cette plateforme a été lancé en 2020 par l’association tunisienne ADO+, dans le cadre du projet « Construire des alternatives pour et avec les jeunes en risque de rupture sociale et/ou en voie de radicalisation – Shabab » en partenariat avec l’ONG française Santé Sud.

Projet 6


The project, I DO RECYCLE, aims to raise awareness and promote a culture of eco-responsible fashion consumption among young students aged between 13 and 18. In collaboration with the “Deuxième Chance” school, the project aims to strengthen the skills of 10 teenagers from this school, 5 teenagers from the “espace ADO” and 5 young multimedia students.

The project’s main activities are as follows:

  • Raising awareness about eco-responsible culture among teenagers and young people through 3 camps:
  • The production of a play on eco-responsible consumption and its performance in 3 regions
  • Multimedia students will produce a report on the project’s progress.
  • Production of an awareness-raising video entitled ” For an eco-friendly behavior “.
  • Fashion design and upcycling, which will culminate in a fashion show
Project budget (€)