
Boubli - ATDCE

Nahj Elbousta

ATDCE – Association Tunisienne pour le Développement de la Culture Électronique – officially saw the light of day in 2019, but works under the name “Best Of Three”, or “BO3” – a community of gamers founded in 2018, and made up mainly of Generation Y and Z.

Projet 2

Nahj Elbousta

The aim of the “Nahj Elbousta” project is to produce a second season of 4 episodes, focusing on the old post office street, with the aim of cleaning up and rehabilitating the area, while focusing on the problems and residents who live there. The initiative also includes a commitment to raising awareness among young people of the issues of waste management and insecurity. The project aims to involve the community in the transformation of its neighborhood and to encourage the active participation of all stakeholders.

With the aim of beautifying the street, a two-month artistic residency is planned with the participation of artists specializing in street art.

A pop-up market event is also planned, with the aim of contributing to economic development and environmental protection.

Project budget (€)