
Plongez au cœur du montage de projets avec le projet Samim : Découvrez les étapes de l’appel à projets , alliant solidarité et durabilité, mené en partenariat avec les structures d’accompagnement : Ecodev en Mauritanie, Bidaya au Maroc, TCSE, en Tunisie et JYIF en Jordanie, soutenu par l’AFD, cette initiative audacieuse promet de dévoiler des projets exceptionnels.


In this article, we’ll take you through the various stages of this call for projects, from the information sessions to the bootcamps, via the selection committee and the long-awaited announcement of the winners. 

On January 23, 2023, Lab’ess officially launched the first call for projects. With the collaboration of the four support structures, the call for projects set out to identify the brightest and most inspiring projects to transform these cities.

No less than two information sessions were organized in each country, both online and in person, to inform curious minds about the selection criteria, terms of participation, available funding opportunities and key stages of the process.


Following the deadline for applications, the support structures, in collaboration with Lab'ess, carried out a rigorous pre-selection of the more than 300 applications received. Based on pre-established criteria, an average of 18 projects per country were pre-selected. These projects were then invited to take part in an intensive bootcamp to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Following the deadline for applications, the support structures, in collaboration with Lab'ess, carried out a rigorous pre-selection of the more than 300 applications received. Based on pre-established criteria, an average of 18 projects per country were pre-selected. These projects were then invited to take part in an intensive bootcamp to enhance their skills and knowledge.

The bootcamps, held from March 16 to 21, 2023, were key moments in this call. The four support structures organized three-day bootcamps in each country, offering participants a variety of workshops focusing on design thinking, sustainable development goals (SDGs), project management, and exchanges of experience between groups of CSOs (Civil Society Organizations).

The bootcamps, held from March 16 to 21, 2023, were key moments in this call. The four support structures organized three-day bootcamps in each country, offering participants a variety of workshops focusing on design thinking, sustainable development goals (SDGs), project management, and exchanges of experience between groups of CSOs (Civil Society Organizations).

After reviewing their technical and financial proposals, the CSOs had the opportunity to present their projects to a funding committee made up of members of the support structures, the Lab'ess and external experts. Between 5 and 6 projects were selected per country. Which made a total of 22 innovative projects aiming for a better future. 81% of project leaders are women.

After reviewing their technical and financial proposals, the CSOs had the opportunity to present their projects to a funding committee made up of members of the support structures, the Lab'ess and external experts. Between 5 and 6 projects were selected per country. Which made a total of 22 innovative projects aiming for a better future. 81% of project leaders are women.