
Vélorution Tunisie

Vélorution Tunisie

Vélorution Tunisie is an NGO dedicated to promoting sustainable urban mobility in Greater Tunis. Their mission is to encourage the use of bicycles by supporting the creation of bike paths and bike parking facilities. Their vision is to promote greener mobility by involving citizens and developing a model that can be transposed to other cities in the Maghreb. Join their movement for an environmentally-friendly urban future.

Projet 4

Vélorution Tunisie

The aim of the “Todhrob Tabli3a fil Samim” project is to promote urban mobility for women and young people while encouraging the widespread adoption of cycling as a sustainable mode of transport in Tunis. At the same time, the project plans to extend the organization’s activities by introducing cycling and driving safety courses for children in public schools.

More specifically, “Vélorution” will implement the following activities:

  • Collaborative bike school for women (Specific attention will be paid to the female public for bike-school activities).
  • Urban cycle tourism
  • Bike school for children (In partnership with the” Tounes clean-up” organization, “Vélorution” will organize 5 training sessions in schools)
  • Bike mechanics workshops
Project budget (€)