

Inno-PEACE Inno-Green The “Inno-Green” project aims to address two issues affecting the commune of Sidi Hassine in Greater Tunis: the multifaceted exclusion of young people who have dropped out of the school system and the accumulation of unutilized waste, leading to various forms of pollution. The objective is to...

RAFIQ, Ecole de la deuxième chance

RAFIQ, Ecole de la deuxième chance Rafik fi Samim al biaa The project “Rafik fi Samim al Biaa” aims to combat the exclusion of young people who have dropped out of school in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Greater Tunis by offering them training in green entrepreneurship. Project beneficiaries will be...


ASSOCIATION TUNISIENNE DES ARTS MARTIAUX COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR THE PREVENTION OF VIOLENT EXTREMISM AND THE FIGHT AGAINST WOMEN’S EXCLUSION The “Community Support for the Prevention of Violent Extremism and the Fight Against Women’s Exclusion” project aims to promote the inclusion of youth from disadvantaged neighborhoods, women, and people with...

La Recherche en Action

La Recherche en Action ECO-BARLEY: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE The “Eco-Barley: Towards Sustainable Agriculture” project aims to develop an innovative hydroponic system for the production of green barley, intended for feeding livestock in the town of Jdeida, an area where agricultural lands are disappearing due to creeping urbanization. Following the...

Creative Collective

Collectif Créatif Projet 1 Collectif Créatif The COLLECTIF CRÉATIF wants to create an ecological Living Lab in the heart of the MEDINA OF Tunis. This laboratory will be a space for experimentation and innovation, promoting sustainable practices by involving residents, craftsmen and shopkeepers. The aim of “ECO’LOGIC_Lab” is to...

Boubli – ATDCE

Boubli – ATDCE Nahj Elbousta ATDCE – Association Tunisienne pour le Développement de la Culture Électronique – officially saw the light of day in 2019, but works under the name “Best Of Three”, or “BO3” – a community of gamers founded in 2018, and made up mainly of Generation...

Al Badil, l’Alternative Culturelle

Al Badil, l’Alternative Culturelle Al Badil, l’Alternative Culturelle L’alternative culturelle is an association working to structure the Tunisian cultural sector, create a cultural network of citizen and creative Tunisian initiatives, build bridges between the French- and Arabic-speaking worlds to increase professional opportunities, and promote artistic and cultural education for...

Vélorution Tunisie

Vélorution Tunisie Vélorution Tunisie Vélorution Tunisie is an NGO dedicated to promoting sustainable urban mobility in Greater Tunis. Their mission is to encourage the use of bicycles by supporting the creation of bike paths and bike parking facilities. Their vision is to promote greener mobility by involving citizens and...

Association ADO+

Association ADO+ Association ADO+ Ado+ est la première plateforme en Tunisie dédiée aux adolescent.e.s. Cette plateforme a été lancé en 2020 par l’association tunisienne ADO+, dans le cadre du projet « Construire des alternatives pour et avec les jeunes en risque de rupture sociale et/ou en voie de radicalisation...